Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Great Pizza Marathon of 2014

Whitney and I finally figured out why we've been carbo-loading for the past two days! It was to prepare for the Great Pizza Marathon of 2014 that took place tonight.

After the rainstorm that sent us indoors had passed, Whitney and I were looking for something to do. Whitney had had gelatto before dinner, but the rain had meant that I couldn't get any afterwards, so we decided to go out and hunt for some dessert.

Well, we went out for gelatto and came back with pizza. A lot of pizza.

I've had pizza twice in the past two days and again for dinner tonight, but I still didn't think it was enough, so we went looking for other pizza places to try. We walked from our hostel to San Marco and back looking for the best specimens of take away (our stipulations were that a slice needed to cost less than three euros, be take away and only plain cheese) to try.

We returned to our hostel (with only a few bug bites to speak of) and the real fun began. It was a Pizza Marathon, not a Pizza Sprint, so naturally we took our time eating an insane amount of pizza (not).
Like all good things, this needed to be snapchatted
So, I've had five different varieties of pizza in 3 days and am I complaining? If you really need to ask me that, you need to go and reevaluate your life choices because you can't seriously be thinking that. My favorite was actually the pizza I had for dinner tonight which was not technically a part of the Marathon, but pizza is heaven in eight slices and this was all really good pizza.

I know three things to be true at this point: I like Italy, I love Venice and pizza is good.

Goodnight, everyone. I will see you when I wake up from my pizza-coma.

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