Friday, September 12, 2014

One Month From Today

So, if you read my previous post about our travel plans, you will know that I leave exactly one month from today. This is very exciting for obvious reasons and I just went to the public library and took out a book on Mexico because I am the designated travel guide.

I think it is a little funny that responsibility of research/planning has now fallen to me since until yesterday, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to go. Now that my presence has been verified, however, my father and sister seem willing to take advantage of it.

Since we are not going to a major city, this is going to be a bit like planning the visit to Capri over the summer -- I'll have to do more digging to find out what we want to do. I'd like to state for the record, however, that no matter how much I read, I will not be able to identify and give background information on each and every building we pass despite what my sister thinks.

Side bar: Feeling a little un-American because I was out of the country on the 4th of July and now I'll be missing Columbus Day as well. Although I personally believe that Columbus Day should actually  be called Mass-Murdering, Miscalculating, Dumbass Explorer Day, who doesn't like a three day weekend? America was built on three day weekends.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rosarito Beach

And the winner of the mysterious, mystical October vacation is Mexico!! Rosarito Beach, obviously, given the title of this post. October 12-18th.

Getting there and back is going to be a tidbit insane, and by a tidbit, I mean, I don't think three related people heading to the same destination have ever had more ridiculous travel plans. First off, we are all flying into San Diego then crossing the border, but that is totally normal compared to the rest of our plans.

  • My dad is leaving Boston at 5:30am on October 11th. I'm not going with him. I'm leaving Boston at 5:30am on October 12th
  • I get to have a nice layover in Philly and should arrive in CA at exactly 10:16am local time. 
  • Whitney is leaving from Charlotte, NC on October 12th as well, flying to Houston and she should finally arrive in San Diego at 10:27am local time. 
  • And then we have to come home -- once again, you would assume that since my dad and I are both coming back to Boston that we'd fly together this time. Your assumption is wrong, since my dad is leaving on October 17th and I'll be leaving on the 18th.
  • Whitney is also leaving on the 18th, but she'll be flying back to school obviously. All of this seems fine and dandy, except that my direct flight home leaves at 9:15 am and hers doesn't leave until 1:11pm. Although slightly inconvenient, I do not believe this will be an issue for Whitney, who will simply search the airport for a Pinkberry -- she even has written a song for such occasions (it goes like this: "I really, really, really want Pinkberry." She's such a songbird! I don't know how she does it).
Also, yes, you read that correctly, I have a direct flight back to Boston, which makes me the defacto winner of these shenanigans, except for the fact that I still hate planes.

So, now I need to go figure out what one does at Rosarito Beach. I have a feeling that it is simply sit in the sun (or for me it might be sit in the sun, then go to hotel room so you can blog about sitting in the sun) and I think I am qualified to do that.