Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Remember me?

The blog is coming back! I'm currently preparing for my big European adventure! It's only about 6 (almost 7!) years late, since I was promised a trip to Paris for my 16th birthday, but that detail is insignificant compared to how excited I am.

Whitney is studying abroad in Rome for the entire month of July, so we have concocted a most glorious plan, where the two of us are going over two weeks before her program starts. Together, we are going to Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin and Venice before circling back to her final destination, Rome. The fun for me, however, does not stop there, because just as we will be arriving in Rome, my mom will be as well! My mom and I will tour Rome for a few days with Whitney before her program starts and then (after much debating about where my mom and I should go), we will be on our way to Naples! So lots of Italy for me!!!

We still have a ton of planning to do (we are currently homeless in each of the cities we are visiting but that will change...I hope), but the anticipation is heading through the roof. Although I don't plan on blogging about packing, hotel arrangements or guide books as religiously as I plan on digitally cataloging my trip on this open forum, I figured that there might be time for a few good posts between now and the trip, thus making it time to reawaken the beast. 

Just so you know:
Departure date: June 17, 2014
Return date: July 8, 2014


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